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At the age of 22, Alice Laforge is evolving in a formerly masculine environment that has been diversifying in recent years. Alice has proven herself and is perfecting her skills alongside a qualified and passionate team. Our workshop being certified "Classiche", Alice had the chance to evolve in this very exclusive environment. 


After a BAC S, and a DUT in Mechanical and Production Engineering, and having a real attraction for cars since very young, Alice redirected herself towards a CAP in vehicle maintenance to then specialise as a preparer and developer of competition vehicles at the Performance School in Nogaro.


In order to prepare herself in the best possible way, she is now working in our Ferrari SF Cote d'Azur workshop in Mouans Sartoux to specialise in diagnostics and is preparing for a CQP TEAVA Technician After-Sales Automotive Expert at the IFA in Nice.